Forum Replies Created

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  • Susie

    August 31, 2023 at 11:26 am in reply to: A Deeper Dive into Curiosity

    🌟 Today is Thinking Thursday, and we’re ready to take a deeper dive into our theme – Curiosity in the Classroom!


    Our question for today is a fantastic one: How do we celebrate curiosity in the classroom? Let’s explore some exciting ideas together!


    🌟 Acknowledge and celebrate instances of curiosity! When learners ask insightful questions or show genuine interest in a topic, let them know how much you appreciate their inquisitive nature.


    🌟 Offer positive feedback to acknowledge their efforts! When learners display a thirst for knowledge, praise their curiosity and encourage them to keep exploring!


    🌟 Highlight their progress and growth! Emphasise how their curiosity has led them to new discoveries and expanded their understanding!


    Now, we’d love to hear from you! What other ways have worked for you in creating an environment where curiosity thrives? How do you nurture curiosity and foster a sense of pride and motivation in your learners?

    🌱💪 Share your best ideas with us!


    Let’s celebrate curiosity together and create a learning space where wonder and exploration are cherished!

    🌟🤗 Join us in a chat, and let’s inspire each other with our innovative approaches! 🌈💭

  • Susie

    August 23, 2023 at 7:17 am in reply to: Talk about: C for Curiosity

    Happy Working Wednesday! 🎉 From 4 to 5 pm this afternoon, we’ve got an exciting live discussion all about Curiosity! 🔍💫

    But wait, before we dive in, let’s take a peek at our project-based learning templates. Check out the three exciting parts of the project right here: 📑🌈

    Now, here’s the best part – today, in our second-last discussion of August, we’re all about igniting curiosity in learners using this fantastic structure! 🚀🌟

    Come join us in a live chat from 4 to 5 pm today, right here – just click reply. Share your experiences, ideas, and creativity – let’s spark curiosity and ignite those learning flames! 🔥💡

  • Susie

    August 16, 2023 at 7:54 am in reply to: Talk about: C for Curiosity

    We’ve made it to another Working Wednesday!

    🎉 From 4 to 5 pm today, we’ve got an exciting live discussion all about Curiosity. Let’s dive into how a language teacher demonstrated curiosity as a powerful tool to ignite learners!


    I decided to have learners pick a social problem from the school or their community – a problem that affected them – and for them to find ways of solving that problem. I wanted them to be interested in what they would be doing.

    They loved the idea.

    Before I knew it, each learner was coming up with problems that directly affected them as learners.
    Some learners were discussing and finding out how to solve the problem of loss of self-esteem, others on how to find solutions to teenage pregnancy, and others were looking for information about depression or mental health.

    The learners had come up with ideas that they were excited about.

    Learners did their research on the problem in our media centre, where they found information about their topics. They were quite excited when they came back.

    One learner said, “You know what, miss, I never knew that there was such a thing as crash depression. I found out there actually is, and it is something that can affect your mental health, and now I am serious! I want to find out about it, and I want to bring an end to it.”

    By activating learner curiosity, this teacher was able to engage and sustain their interest. What an incredible approach!


    Now, we’d love to hear from you! What has been your experience with activating learner curiosity in your classroom? Share your inspiring stories and insights during our live chat from 4 pm to 5 pm.

    Join the discussion right here. Let’s continue to explore the wonders of curiosity! 🗣️💬

    Get ready for an hour filled with engaging conversations and delightful discoveries. See you there! 🤗🌈

  • Susie

    August 11, 2023 at 8:29 am in reply to: Talk about: C for Curiosity

    Curiosity is like a key that unlocks doors to new knowledge and exciting discoveries! 🔍💫

    When learners are curious, they become active participants in their learning adventures. It sparks their inquisitive nature, encourages questions, and leads them to explore different perspectives. 🚀🌈

    And the best part? Curiosity fuels their hunger for understanding, propelling them to dive deeper into the mysteries of the world with enthusiasm and passion! It’s a true empowerment for learners, making them open to new ideas and fully engaged in their learning. 🌟🧠

    Now, we’re eager to know your thoughts! How have you personally modelled curiosity in the classroom? Is it a familiar and comfortable approach for you? We would love to know – please share your experiences here.

  • Susie

    August 11, 2023 at 8:27 am in reply to: A Deeper Dive into Curiosity

    🌟 Our question for today is: How can you model curiosity in the classroom as a teacher? 🚀

    How do you showcase curiosity in a deeply personal and authentic way?

    Here are some super cool ways to do it:

    1. Express genuine excitement when you introduce a new topic. ✨
    2. Use facial expressions to show your wonder and excitement. 😲
    3. Share personal stories of your experiences with the topic. 🗣️
    4. 4. Tell the learners about your eagerness to learn and how curiosity led you down unexpected paths of discovery. 💡
    5. 5. Use animated gestures and an enthusiastic voice. 🎤🙌
    6. 6. Encourage learners to ask questions, explore, and think critically. 🌱🔍
    7. 7. Embark on a journey of exploration with your learners, fueled by combined enthusiasm to find out more. 💫

    Now, we’d love to hear from you! Which of these wonderful ways have worked for you? And how did they make a difference in your classroom? Share your experiences with us!

    🗣️💬 Let’s inspire each other and make curiosity the heart of our learning adventures! 🤗🌈

  • Susie

    August 8, 2023 at 2:52 pm in reply to: Talk about: C for Curiosity

    Please note that as it is Women’s Day, we won’t have a live discussion tomorrow. Wishing all our members a wonderful holiday tomorrow – and take a moment to reflect on the women who have helped bring you to today. See you on Thursday 🌻

  • Susie

    September 6, 2023 at 2:19 pm in reply to: Talk about: E for Enjoyment

    Hi Tumelo, you are in the right place.

  • Susie

    September 5, 2023 at 9:18 am in reply to: A Deeper Dive into Curiosity


  • Susie

    May 18, 2023 at 7:20 am in reply to: Welcome: Community Guidelines

    That is wonderful – that is why we are here 🌻

  • Susie

    May 18, 2023 at 7:18 am in reply to: Welcome: Community Guidelines

    🌻 So wonderful to hear that! What stands out for you as your No. learning so far?

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