Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Teacher Assistants Guidelines: Foundation Phase

November 28, 2022

Teacher Assistants Guidelines: Foundation Phase

  • Gr3 is the exit grade in Foundation Phase.
  • In the Intermediate Phase learners require solid knowledge, skills, values and attitudes for the rigours of the intermediate phase where the ability to access learning requires good Reading skills.
  • TAs must ensure robust efforts for Reading with understanding. Once the learner has read a paragraph be sure to ask at least 2 questions that assess their understanding of what was read. Example, Why do you think…;  What did the horse do to make Busi so angry? etc.
  • The TA could also enhance language across the curriculum (LAC) through using texts from Life Skills. The Life Skills Topics make for good exposure to Language usage.
  • The integration of topics that with the language focus can also enhance understanding of the content taught during the day.
  • Learners can also be encouraged to bring examples of articles from newspapers, magazines, practical experiences or stories they have heard or read.