Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Classroom Management

December 3, 2021

Classroom Management

The EA should assist the educator in classroom management by:

  • striving to create a well organised, efficiently run classroom, where learners are clear on the routines, rules, behavioural expectations and consequences;
  • creating an environment that is a safe space for learning, i.e. places of respect, tolerance and fun where learners are not being cut down, reprimanded for errors, or even worse, laughed at or ridiculed;
  • giving all learners a chance to speak independently, even in a large class;
  • introducing an element of play to learning;
  • marking the class register on a daily basis;
  • keeping records/registers of subject attendance;
  • raising the educator’s awareness of learner absence or any matter that warrants the educator’s attention;
  • following up with parents when learners are absent; and
  • filing correspondence from parents and doctors’ certificates;

The EA assists the educator in the following way:

Before the lesson
  • The EA:
    • marks the register
    • distributes texts or resources for use
    • distributes marked learner books or collects books to control homework/assignments
    • apprises the educator of absence or any matter that warrants the educator’s attention
During the lesson
  • The EA:
    • ensures that learners follow the educator’s instructions
    • holds mini-conferences with learners to further explain and clarify instructions given by the educator before the commencement of each activity
    • helps the educator to assign roles to learners, ensures that all participate and reports instances of dominating to the educator
    • engages interactively with learners as the educator introduces them to the theme of the day/week/ cycle
    • supervises learners as the educator activates background knowledge and make
    • them aware that they must bring their existing knowledge to the theme;
    • guides learners during activities as the educator builds and activates new knowledge
    • establishes, where possible, problems that could be created by non-detection of learner challenges like poor vision or difficulty with hearing.
    • assists with monitoring and supporting group activities

After the lesson

  • The EA:
    • collects resource materials or learner books/ portfolios of evidence if applicable
    • ensures that classwork, homework and work book exercises are completed, dated, marked, stamped and that comments about learner performance are written for support purposes where appropriate
    • collects a sample of classwork, homework and work books for book control purposes by the Subject Head or the Departmental Head
    • encourages learners to write diary entries about the lesson content as part of expanded opportunities to write