Forum Replies Created

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  • Susie

    December 14, 2023 at 8:23 am in reply to: Wrap up of 2023

    Happy holidays!


    We know that Teachers and school team members are like sunshine, absorbing energy during the summer holidays to shine brightly in the classroom later. ☀️

    For these precious weeks, time is truly your own, and you can indulge in whatever brings you joy. 🏖️

    We wish you the most delightful break, filled with relaxation, laughter, and all the things that make your heart happy. And as much as we’re excited to welcome you back next year, we secretly hope these holidays stretch out for you, giving you all the time you deserve! 🎉

    Enjoy every moment, recharge those solar-powered batteries, and here’s to a well-deserved break! See you refreshed and recharged next year! 😊🌴

  • Susie

    December 13, 2023 at 7:07 am in reply to: Wrap up of 2023

    🌟 Can you believe it’s our last Wednesday of the year? Let’s make it truly special!

    Today, we have a heartwarming activity planned just for you! We invite you to write or type out a short message – think of it as a time capsule for your future self! Picture the first day of term next year and imagine the encouragement, wisdom, or positivity you’d like to share.

    For your real copy, fold the page, staple it shut, or seal it in an envelope, marking the day it can be opened – the day before term starts. It’s a little gift from your present self to your future self!


    You can also think about what you would tell a new Teacher starting their journey in 2024. What advice, encouragement, or insights would you share?

    Let’s spread some inspiration and make this message something truly meaningful. Share your thoughts in the chat, and let the positivity flow! 📝💫

  • Susie

    December 12, 2023 at 7:09 am in reply to: Wrap up of 2023

    🎵 It’s Talking Tuesday and today we’re diving into the sounds of 2023!

    Whether it was a year of laughter, drama, or sheer inspiration, we want to hear your unique soundtrack.

    Choose a song that captures your 2023 journey and share its title below. Then, let us in on the story behind your choice.


    Music has a way of painting our emotions, so let’s groove to the beats of your experiences. Get ready to share your tunes and the tales that make them special. 🎉✨

  • Susie

    December 11, 2023 at 7:03 am in reply to: Wrap up of 2023

    🌟 Can you believe it’s the last week of the (working) year? Time flies when you’re making a difference!

    ✨ This time next week, the DBE-E³ team will be enjoying a well-deserved break, but for now, let’s cherish these final moments of 2023 together.

    We’re on a quest to uncover the hidden gems of this year, and today, we invite you to reflect with us.

    Take a moment to travel back in time and recall the sweetest, nicest thing a Learner said to you in 2023.


    Let’s fill this chat with heartwarming stories and celebrate the impact we’ve had on our Learners. Share away, and let’s wrap up the year on a heartwarming note! 💖✨

  • Susie

    December 7, 2023 at 7:08 am in reply to: Wrap up of 2023

    🌟 Let’s dive into the treasure trove of wisdom together!


    We want to know: what’s the best piece of advice that came your way this year, the golden nugget that truly made a difference in your school life journey?


    Let’s inspire one another and create a ripple effect of motivation!

    Your advice might just be the spark someone else needs. So, don’t keep it to yourself – let the inspiration flow! 🚀💡

  • Susie

    December 6, 2023 at 6:54 am in reply to: Wrap up of 2023

    🌟 Get ready to spread some joy and share the sparkle of your proudest moments!


    In today’s discussion, we want to hear your most celebratory story of the year – that unforgettable moment when you felt like shouting, “This is why I am a Teacher or work in a school!”


    So, gather around and let the positivity flow! We’re all ears and waiting to celebrate with you. Your stories inspire us all, so don’t hold back!

    Let’s make this conversation a radiant celebration of our passion for teaching! 🌟📚

  • Susie

    December 5, 2023 at 7:18 am in reply to: Wrap up of 2023

    🌟 It’s our second reflection day, and we’ve got a heartwarming challenge for you!


    Grab your phone and get ready to reach down to your deepest joy! Think back on this year and who stands out as the one person who has been part of your absolute favourite school moment this year.


    Create a visual memory of this moment by recording a video of yourself thanking and acknowledging that person! The purpose is for you to have a record of your reflection so that you can go back to it later – it is not something that you have to send. 😉.

    Let’s capture those heartfelt memories and make this reflection day unforgettable! 🌟💖

  • Susie

    November 30, 2023 at 7:10 am in reply to: Talk about: Teacher Well-Being and exam season

    Welcome to our last Thinking Thursday of November.

    Today, we are looking at another side of teacher wellness, and perhaps there is something you would like to talk about from this article:

    What are your thoughts? Let’s explore this further, and if you want to carry on with the discussion in December, we can do that. 📅🤔🗣️

  • Susie

    November 29, 2023 at 7:08 am in reply to: Talk about: Teacher Well-Being and exam season

    It’s Working Wednesday, and we’ve gathered a variety of tips and tools to help you unwind. Let’s jump right in:

    1. Release Tension
    – Explore acupressure points to relieve stress: Acupressure Points to Reduce Stress:
    – When was the last time someone gave you a massage to loosen those knots, and how effective was it for you?

    2. Elevate Your Mind
    – Discover free podcasts that can inspire you: Best Motivational Podcasts:
    – How often do you make time to listen to uplifting messages, and how does it work for you?

    3. Nutrition Essentials
    – There’s much to know about stress and nutrition; here’s a simple guide: Stress and Nutrition Guide:
    – What do you do to ensure your body gets the vitamins and minerals it needs during stressful times? Do you get enough sunshine for Vitamin D?

    4. Practice Mindfulness
    – How do you take a break from thinking and give your mind some rest? Explore other mindfulness techniques here: Mindfulness Exercises and Techniques:
    – Do you have any other mindfulness exercises you can share with us?

    5. Sing Away Stress
    – Learn how music contributes to stress relief: Ways to Reduce Stress with Music:
    – What’s your favourite sing-along song?

    6. Laugh It Off
    Laughing releases endorphins and makes us feel better. Enjoy some teacher humour or stand-up comedy:
    – Teacher Humour:
    – Trevor Noah’s Stand-Up:

    What can you bring to today’s discussion? Share your experiences, thoughts, and ideas – let’s keep the conversation going! 😄🎵🤣🗣️

  • Susie

    November 28, 2023 at 7:48 am in reply to: Talk about: Teacher Well-Being and exam season

    Refresh Your Mind:

    The Power of Mental Breaks

    In our journey of ‘Teaching from a Full Cup’ this November, let’s discuss a crucial aspect of self-care—giving your brain a break.

    1. Mindful Moments: Take a few minutes each day to sit quietly, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. This mindful practice helps clear your mind, reduce stress, and enhance mental clarity.

    2. Step into Nature: Whether it’s a brisk walk or a leisurely stroll, spending time in nature can do wonders. Connect with the world outside your classroom to recharge your spirit.

    3. Run Towards Relaxation: Physical activity isn’t just great for your body; it’s a fantastic brain booster, too. Go for a run or a jog to release endorphins and clear your thoughts.

    4. Breathe Deeply: Simple breathing exercises can calm your mind instantly. Inhale deeply for a count of four, hold for four, and exhale for four. Repeat as needed to regain focus.

    These ‘thought-free’ activities can help you find moments of peace in your busy day. Remember, taking care of yourself is a vital part of being an effective Teacher. 🏃‍♂️🧘‍♀️🌿

  • Susie

    November 27, 2023 at 9:56 am in reply to: Talk about: Teacher Well-Being and exam season

    We’re approaching the end of our ‘Teaching from a Full Cup’ theme, and this week, we’re taking a final deep dive into this important topic.

    For Talking Tuesday tomorrow, we’ll provide some last tools for you to explore.

    On Wednesday, we warmly invite you to join our discussion on this very topic.

    And, as our tradition goes, on Thursday, we’ll delve even deeper into this subject.

    Remember, we’re here for a chat whenever you like (during office hours, of course).

    Feel free to drop by and join the conversation at any time. Let’s make this week a memorable one! 📆🗣️🌟

  • Susie

    November 24, 2023 at 8:08 am in reply to: Town Hall Invitations and recordings

    Did you miss us? No worries – you can catch the recording here:

  • Susie

    November 23, 2023 at 7:35 am in reply to: Talk about: Teacher Well-Being and exam season

    Nourish Your Resilience, Beat Stress

    As we continue our journey of ‘Teaching from a Full Cup’ this November, let’s explore the strong connection between your diet and stress levels. Keeping a balanced diet can be your secret weapon against the challenges of teaching.

    1. Stay Hydrated: Water is your body’s best friend. Dehydration can cause tiredness, lack of focus, and even headaches. Make it a daily habit to drink water throughout the day. Keep a reusable bottle on your desk as a reminder.

    2. Boost with Protein: Make sure your meals have enough protein. It gives you lasting energy and helps you stay focused during tough lessons.

    3. Avoid Sugar: Now, about sugar—the troublemaker. While it might seem like a quick solution, sugary snacks and drinks can lead to energy drops and mood swings. Choose healthier options like fruits, nuts, or yoghurt instead.

    Remember, your well-being is important, and these small changes can make a big difference.

    🥤🥜🍏 Your journey to a stress-free and resilient teaching experience starts with what you eat.

  • Susie

    November 23, 2023 at 12:53 pm in reply to: Town Hall Invitations and recordings

    Want to know more about Ms Monareng’s work?

    Be sure to catch Sibongile Monareng, today’s guest, on an earlier DBE webinar on Suicide Prevention. Recent tragedies underscore the urgent need for collective intervention.

    Other Presentations:

    Understanding Teen Depression and Suicide Prevention:
    SADAG Teen

    Suicide Prevention – What to do in a Crisis:

    When Death Impacts Your School:

    Want to follow Dr Rita Sonko’s work?

    You can also find Dr Rita’s podcast here: Listen to some of the podcast episodes:

    Underlying Issues Affecting Learners and Teachers’ Mental Wellbeing:

    Schools and Mental Health Challenges

    Protecting Young Minds:

  • Susie

    November 22, 2023 at 7:01 am in reply to: Talk about: Teacher Well-Being and exam season

    Good morning Naila, thank you so much for sharing! Such great ideas 🤩

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