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  • Want to know more about S.P.E.C.I.A.L.?

    Posted by Susie on April 12, 2023 at 12:19 pm

    S.P.E.C.I.A.L. is more than an acronym. These are the building blocks of inspiring, purposeful, and joyful learning environments where your Learners and you, as a Teacher, can thrive. To give you an overview of what this means, we have a summary below. To get the full picture, we encourage you to read this companion Teaching and Learning in a Fast-Changing World – to the Teacher’s Guide that is the foundational text for our Introduction to Project-based Learning course.

    We have heard from teachers about how this has made a huge difference in their classes and what a difference it has made to them. We hope it will help you, too!

    S – Social Interaction: Learning TogetherThis helps learners to work on their communication skills as they do group work and to solve problems together – and in so doing, where they can learn from each other.

    Learning is not a solitary journey but a collective adventure. When Learners collaborate, they become each other’s Teachers, ensuring no one gets left behind. Through discussion, teamwork, and peer-to-peer feedback, they foster communication, collaboration, amongst other vital life skills, a vital life skill. Learning to interact socially is like a dress rehearsal for the real world, where cooperation is key.

    P – Purposeful Learning: Finding the ‘Why’ When learners are engaged in learning about topics that are real, and related to their lives, it helps them be more fully invested in the learning process and they are more likely to take ownership of their own learning. This helps you by not having to chase learners to do things because they really want to do it themselves.

    Purpose is the driving force behind learning. Learners must connect what they’re studying to their own lives. By asking ‘why,’ we unlock the motivation to learn. Teaching bridges the gap between classroom lessons and real-life applications. When Learners see, understand and relate to the purpose, their motivation soars.

    E – Enjoyment in Learning: A Deeper Satisfaction The way we pitch things to learners can make all the difference – by tweaking their curiosity, and getting them to ask why, and how come – and in so doing they activate their creativity, and reasoning, and go on to become critical thinkers. Children don’t realise how much they are learning when they are having fun – and when they are having fun, so will you!

  • Learning isn’t just about fun and games. Our mission is to craft captivating learning experiences. Imagine a moment when a child is overflowing with motivation, determined to conquer a challenging task, accomplishing something they once thought impossible, and then, there it is, that delightful “aha” moment when they astound themselves and discover something new about the world.

    1. C – Curiosity: The Spark of Learning We are wired to ask questions and want to find out – there is no such thing as a boring topic in a classroom and you have probably seen for yourself what happens when all the learners hands shoot up to answer questions. Curiosity is about asking questions and wanting to find answers when we give learners opportunities to explore and investigate, and to follow their interests.

      Curiosity drives learners to explore and develop their understanding of a learning topic. Teachers can ignite curiosity by being curious themselves and encouraging Learners to ask questions. The path of curiosity is a winding road of questions, each leading to more questions. Problem-solving approaches, such as project-based learning, provide fertile ground for curiosity to flourish.

      Iteration: The Power of Learning from Mistakes This is one of the greatest gifts we can give learners – one that we, as adults, often only learn when we start working. The notion of getting better and more practised at something, being able to re-submit a better product, is crucial to develop an entrepreneurial mindset.

      Mistakes are stepping stones to learning. Learners must understand that it’s okay not to get everything right the first time. The word ‘yet’ becomes a beacon of hope, indicating that they are on a learning journey. Discussion about failures and mistakes, coupled with feedback, guides improvement. Project-based learning offers a safe space for Learners to iterate and grow.

      A – Active Engagement: PBL as a tool for Deep Learning When learners realise that they can follow their interests and ask questions, then have an opportunity to apply and improve their learning, they cannot help but be engaged.

    2. Active engagement in learning isn’t merely physical activity; it’s the active, cognitive involvement that occurs when learners think deeply, stimulating their minds and working through thinking about challenges that require their full cognitive participation.

      1. L – Learner Autonomy: Taking Charge of LearningWhen you hand over (appropriate) responsibility to learners, such as posing problem-solving questions to the group, e.g. “How might you solve this problem?” or “What other information might you need to solve this problem?” or “What else can you think of to …?” it helps to develop autonomy in learners.

        Learner autonomy enables Learners to make decisions about their learning. They become self-directed, seeking information and solutions on their own. Teachers can facilitate this by handing over appropriate responsibilities, encouraging Learners to ask their questions, and using approaches like Project-Based Learning that strengthen Learner autonomy and provide great opportunities for deep and meaningful active engagement.

        How would you like to apply S.P.E.C.I.A.L.in your classroom?

      Susie replied 1 year, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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