Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Supervision of Curriculum Activities

December 3, 2021

Supervision of Curriculum Activities

Educator Assistants should:

  • keep a file to record all the curriculum activities assigned to him/her by the school
  • help with the development of teaching plans and resources such as teaching aids, preparing worksheets as guided by the educator focusing on different topics for specific grades
  • be involved in the development and implementation of the Subject Improvement Plan, target setting for 2022 (or 2023)
  • help prepare the relevant material and resources for teaching and learning, e.g.
    • Interesting video clips or texts from social media, adverts , cartoons  that can be used in any language aspect taught. For example, a video clip on parliamentary debate as a pre-activity for argumentative writing, and to highlight persuasive techniques
    • contemporary language use like ‘a family meeting’ whenever the President is addressing the nation can be used as pre-activities for teaching figurative and literal references, as well as the issue of context.

Other materials that EA can assist with:

  • collecting cartoons and advertisements from newspapers and magazines
  • a variety of texts for comprehension especially in schools where electricity and network are a challenge.

An EA can also enhance EAC by:

  • using texts from content subjects to enhance understanding of the content taught during the day.
    • For example, the lesson on how to write instructions, which use imperatives, could be enhanced through citing experiments in Physical Sciences, or sharing a recipe in Consumer Studies. Learners can be taught Word attack skills which could enhance concept formation as advocated in the EAC.
    • Learners could be urged to bring own examples from newspapers, practical experiences or stories they heard shared.
    • A lesson on homonyms can be followed by examples like ‘displacement’ which mean different things in ordinary language use and the science subjects.